It is a constant source of amazement to us that Maggie, Mimi, Lucy and Cricket are ready to go out every weekend, sit
on their chairs, or, as with Maggie, on my lap and enjoy visiting with strangers for 8 hours a day. We have never taught
them to sit and stay. We have never trained them in any way other than just expecting them to go along with us and once
in a while saying, "No, no!" , if they start to nibble too much or get off their chair at the wrong time. They
get treats sometimes, not as a reward for doing what we want, but because they are our "kids" and love treats. Mimi
and Lucy love to spend time on laps and will even snuggle and tuck their heads in their wings while being petted. Lucy
also hugs! Cricket does have an attitude, but it is fun to play with her and she will pose on anything. Maggie
hugs people all day long and is especially sweet and incredibly patient with tiny babies, little kids and the mentally
or physically challenged. We also take them to nursing homes, etc. The pictures on this page will be changed, so check
back from time to time.



"I like kids, but isn't it time for lunch?"

The Fairy Queen
Georgia Renaissance


Father Goose's
Favorite Barmaid



Lucy's ready for her
first show


"Good thing I have
a long neck"


102 yrs old and bright
as a penny!

"Don't worry. I never pinch!"



"Make my day!"
(Barbarian & Cricket)


Find Cricket! Hint..
she's wearing a bonnet.

He has quite a head
on his shoulders!

"They said to wait here."
"Are they coming?"
"I'm getting worried."