Blue Swedish duckling
(This "Blue" Swedish will be black)

A grown Blue Swedish Duck
can be black, gray or blue gray


Adult Khaki Campbells. Notice the
drake has a dark green head.

A white Indian Runner duckling.
Runner's are easy to spot by
their erect stance. Runners come in
many colors..black, white, tan & white, etc.

This is a perfect Indian Runner.
They are lean, active
ducks..great pets.

Muscovy ducklings...they
come in several color including white,
black & white, and brown.

Muscovy Mom with babies.
Muscovies will hatch anything
from chickens to golf balls!

Baby Mallards are distinguished
by the brown line across the eyes. Mallards
and Rouens are easily confused. One of the few
differences...Rouens are larger when grown.


Female Mallard
A Mallard weighs only 1-2 lbs..

Grown Wood duck in diapers

Baby Pekins
(Peking is a city...
Pekin is the duck)

German Pekins stand
more upright than our

A regular Pekin
in diapers

Baby Wood Duck..
Wood Ducks should never be
taken out of the wild, but are
sold by breeders
We need a pic of
a baby Call duck

A perfect little Call. They
only weigh about 1-1/2 lbs and
have round heads & bodies with short bills.

Anyone have a pic
of a baby Rouen?

A pretty Rouen Drake..
They have the green head, but are
much larger than Mallards

Wonderful showing of the
difference in size of a
Rouen and Mallard
Very important in sizing
Need a baby
East Indies here..

A great Black East Indies
w/a touch of angel wing
Similar to Cayuga but
very small..1-2 lbs.

Buff duckling in diapers

Matilda was a Buff
(Buff Orpington)
Buff drakes have a dark
brown head
Anyone have a Harlequin
duckling pic?

Welsh Harlequin

Cayuga ducklings are all
black..bill, feet & all.
Anyone have a better pic?

Cayugas have irridescent feathers that
change colors in the light...
also very, very soft!

Giant Dewlap Toulouse goose
Much bigger than the usual
production Toulouse..up to
26 lbs +

Great example of the
curled tail feather that on
most ducks tells you
they are male

Baby Tufted Buff Geese..
These are being raised in the

Adult Tufted Buff Geese

Sebastopol Goose baby

This is Maggie, my Sebastopol.
They are distinguished
by their long, floaty,
curled feathers.

Pilgrim gosling in
baby diapers

Adult Pilgrim goose
in a bit of a moult

Adorable baby Embdens,
but watch out..
they grow very fast
and very large!.

An Embden goose is one
of the largest..up to 26 lbs.

We asked for and got
a pic of an African baby!

African goose..African geese
& Chinese geese are descended
from the Swan goose.
Africans are very

A very happy baby
Chinese goose

A pair of Chinese geese.
Geese and cats can be
very good friends!

Half-grown Chinese geese..
Geese grow to full size at
12 to 14 wks. Maturity
comes at about 3 yrs.

4 day old Toulouse goose..
They'll start playing at
2 days old!

Comfort loving Toulouse.
Toulouse & Pilgrims are
very similar, but Toulouse
are fluffier.

Canada Goose family..
notice the younger geese
do not have the black necks yet.
It is illegal to take a
Canada from the wild,
but they are sold at
hatcheries and are great pets.

A family of mute swans..swans
primarily eat aquatic plants.