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The Tonight Show


It was great to get a phone call from a producer at The Tonight Show inviting us to come out and be on the show!  After one cancellation and much anticipation, we put Maggie Goose, Mimi Goose and Cricket Duck in the car and left Phoenix for Burbank.  Lucy Goose had to stay behind as she was in the middle of laying a lot of eggs.  We know our girls so we had no worries about their behavior when we walked into the Burbank Hilton.  We had a day before the show and a day after to see the sights so took the "kids" out for lunch on Rodeo Drive and had a great time!

Checking out the room


The best thing obout the room was the big king sized bed.  We don't have room for all the girls on the double bed in the RV, so we all enjoyed being able to sleep together.

All tucked in!


Using the facilities!


While Alan checked out Jay's Stanley Steamer, I was busy trying to convince the executive producers that bringing my "girls" on stage.....NEKKID...would not be funny!  Well, maybe to some, but my ladies and I would have been very embarrassed.  They finally agreed with me, but Jay didn't mention my book, etc.....maybe he was put out??

Jay's vehicle of choice
that day


Lovin' the Limo


I'll have to admit seeing my name on the door of the dressing room was a kick!  It was very comfortable as they brought us every food and beverage you could want.  They also "preened" my hair and make up for me!


"Where are the worms?"


I think all the folks backstage had a better time than anyone.  They couldn't believe the girls were sitting there quietly for hours.  We let them have hugs from Maggie and pet Mimi and Cricket.

Quite comfy


Cricket liked him!


After the show, Gilbert Godfried followed us back to the dressing room and stood in the door until Alan noticed him.  We had Maggie give him hug and he really liked holding Mimi on his lap.  Such a very, very, nice, QUIET, guy!!  We both liked him very much.  By the way, Jay didn't get a hug on the show, but did backstage.

Mimi did, too!


Lucy at home
laying an egg!


Lucy sent a Jay a couple of fresh eggs.  When we got home the goosesitter told us that when we walked out on stage, Lucy jumped up and waved her wings.  However, she hissed and got very upset when the other girls got lettuce and she didn't get any!  A good example of how much the geese see and understand about what's going on on tv.

Lucy's a tad plump!



We went home with some nice mementos and great memories!

"Give me a sense of humor, Lord; give the grace to see a joke,
To get some happiness from life and pass it on to the other folk."
Thomas H.B. Webb