upon a time in a small town far away, there hatched a little gosling. This gosling
was named Hope as she was the only egg that hatched that year to loving, but older parents.
Her father was about 20 and her mother 11 years. Geese can live for a
long time, even up to 50 years, but they can’t have babies much over the age of 10, so Hope was most likely going to
be their last child, and they did so dote on her. They never left her side from
the day she was born until she was almost a year old.
day she lost them started as any other day, but the sky was quite dark and forbidding that morning. It grew worse as the day went on and she became quite frightened when the thunder and lightening got worse
and worse. She and her Mom and Dad huddled together in the barn trying to stay
out of the wind. Suddenly, a great wind came and as the barn was lifted off the
ground, she found herself swept away also. She tried to fly, but couldn’t
fight her way out of the violent winds. She never knew whether her parents were
alright as she never saw them again.
the great wind almost threw her away, she glided to the ground and looked around. She
didn’t recognize anything…not one single thing! Her wings were so
battered, she would never be able to get off the ground. Being a farm goose,
a Toulouse,
she really couldn’t fly much anyway, but she would have tried to get back home.
She wanted to be with her parents more than anything. After crying for
a while, she tucked her head in her wing and went sound asleep under a big bush.
she awoke, a young man was standing beside her and she was very afraid, but he spoke softly to her and seemed to mean her
no harm so when he started walking slowly away, she followed. If there was anything
she needed now, it was a friend. He led her to a strange farm where there were
all kinds of ducks, geese and chickens, most of whom seemed to have a problem of one kind or another. She saw one poor little duck with crippled foot, another with a broken wing. None seemed particularly unhappy, however. The young man offered
her some grain in his hand, and continued to talk to her. Soon, he picked her
up and put some kind of stuff on her bumps, cuts and bruises. Then he took her
into a little house and placed her on some soft, clean straw and left. With a
full tummy and comfortable bed, she tried cleaning up a bit and fell asleep again for awhile.
days went peacefully by as she made a few friends with whom she shared her story of the great and terrible wind. It seemed all of them had some bad story. Some had been attacked
by animals, some hit by cars, but all had been rescued by the same young man. They
called him Friend, and loved him very much.
now and then, other people arrived at the farm and took one or two of the birds away with them. One day, a family came and took her away. She didn’t
want to leave, and the car ride was very scary, though exciting. The drive wasn’t
long, though, and she was deposited in a lovely back yard which she soon discovered had a pond and another goose. She was now almost 2 years old and not at all disappointed when she discovered the goose was a gander!
became good friends and, in time, mates. All geese want children; they are the
most important things in their lives, but Hope and Henry, as she called him, had very special reasons for wanting children. He and his first mate had never had any even though she had laid eggs and religiously
set them. They never knew why none hatched alive and well, but it was a great
sadness to them. She had passed away at a young age, so he supposed she had never
been strong. He had been heartbroken and only survived her loss by telling himself
he would find another mate sometime and have the children she wanted so much. Having
been so loved and spoiled as an only child by her parents, the only thing that she had missed, before the great wind, was
a big family. Now she was anxious to have a very large family of her own. She laid many eggs, but everytime, the people came and
took them away before they had a chance to hatch; most of time even before she had enough to set on. She tried hiding her nest, but she couldn’t find a good hiding place in the open yard. The only shelter was a couple of trees and the little shed where she and Henry spent the nights. They gave each other comfort and always said, “next year”, as Hope kept on hoping.
family they lived with pretty much left them alone. They fed them, of course,
and, at first, had talked to them and tried to pet them, but the kids were rough and chased them around the yard, so they
kept their distance. The family apparently enjoyed the eggs and the beauty of
the geese in their yard, frequently sitting on the back porch and watching them quietly graze or float on the pond.
several years, Hope and Henry were surprised when the family brought a little gosling out on the porch. It was so little and so cute and the family seemed to like it a lot.
Hope just had to get a closer look for as much as she wanted one, she had never had the opportunity to actually get
close to one. Henry told her to mind her own business and stay away, but Hope
was overcome with curiosity and envy. Just as she got up her nerve to go closer,
they took the gosling inside.
though Henry wanted her to be more cautious, he was really only afraid she would be hurt and disappointed. He wasn’t at all afraid of the people, but they had had a kind of understanding for years of keeping
the peace by leaving each other alone. Hope had accepted that arrangement as
normal and Henry was very worried about her upsetting the apple cart. In his
heart, he wanted to see the baby as much as she did, and finally admitted that to Hope.
Neither one of them slept much that night and were up very early in the morning.
Hope didn’t take her eyes off the back door waiting for them to come out again.
Finally, she got so impatient; she went all around the house peeping into windows trying to get a glimpse of the little
when the father came out to get their feed and clean out the shed, she followed him all around quietly murmuring to him in
hopes he would understand what she wanted. He was very much surprised when she
actually let him touch her head, but then he went inside again. Again, Hope and
Henry watched and waited.
that afternoon, the mother finally brought the gosling out again. This time,
Hope could wait no longer. She ran up to the porch and quivering with joy and
excitement, stretched her neck out over the baby and toward the mother in a great show of happiness and affection. Sadly, it had the opposite affect on the mother. She grabbed
the gosling up and ran into the house!

was crushed. She had no idea what she had done wrong, and Henry wasn’t
much help. He kept saying she should have stayed in the yard where she belonged. He didn’t say it in a cross way; he simply hated to see sweet Hope so distraught
and unhappy. Hope decided that next time, if there was a next time, she would control herself and try to get closer and closer a little bit at a time. She had to wait a couple of days, but sure enough here came the mother with the gosling out the back door. When she sat down with the gosling in her lap, Hope carefully approached her. The woman seemed a little nervous, but let her come within a foot or so, before she
put out her hand to shoo Hope away. Hope did back up, but her neck started quivering,
and the woman got up and went inside again.
were definitely at an impasse. Hope couldn’t stop her neck from quivering;
it was very hard to control the impulse to stretch it over the baby, but when she did it, the woman was obviously frightened
of her. What she had here was a failure to communicate! The woman surely thought Hope wanted to hurt her or the baby and that was the last thing Hope wanted to
do. Hope was so sad, she went into the shed, tucked her head into her wing and
wouldn’t come out no matter what Henry said.
morning, the man came out to feed them and clean the shed as usual, but he couldn’t get Hope to move or eat. He gave up, but came out again with his wife later in the day. Hope
still wouldn’t move. They both started worrying about her.
next day, they came out to see her again, but his time they had the young man who had rescued Hope with them. She was very glad to see him and not only got up, but stretched her quivering neck out to rub against his
leg. He picked her up and she wrapped her neck around him. It was so nice to see the Friend. The woman said, “Oh,
my goodness, I’ve made such a big mistake! She has only done that when
I had the gosling with me and I thought she was trying to hurt it or me. All
the time, she was trying to show how much she liked it! I bet she wants the baby.”
the gosling was a little rescue that she had only planned to take care of until it was old enough to fend for itself on a
farm, she decided to put her in with Hope and see how it worked out for a while. Her
only worry was how Henry would react, so the man put a fence up in the shed to keep Hope and the baby separated from Henry.

was soon obvious that both Hope and Henry were miserable with this arrangement, so they finally let Henry join them watching
them very carefully to make sure the baby didn’t get hurt. From that day
on the story of the adoption was told all over town and, Hope, Henry and little Happy were well known as THE FAMILY.
by Nancy Townsend
NOTE: Even tho' this is a fictional story, you should know that
all the actions attributed to the geese are true to their behavior. The geese in the above picture did indeed "ask"
for a baby when they saw their human Mom with one, and she got them this baby. They dote on it. Also, when a goose
quivers it's neck and stretches it, slightly raised toward you, it means they like you and usually want a hug!